Our monthly votes
Every month, participate in the “Coup de Coeur” contest by sending a photo of a beautiful moment shared with one of our toys or cuddly toys from the current collections. The one that will make us fall in love the most will receive a gift by mail.
To participate, several solutions are possible:
To the address :
Moulin Roty SA
Heart’s desire
ZI de la Sangle
44390 Nort sur Erdre
Don’t forget to indicate your contact details so that we can contact you if we choose your photo!
Send your photo in high resolution to communication@moulinroty.fr indicating that you want to participate in the contest.
– Post the photo on your profile
– Tag @Moulin Roty on facebook or @moulin_roty on Instagram with your photo
– Use the #coupdecoeurdumoismoulinroty in the text of your post
The winner’s photo will be shared on our website and on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Our previous favorites of the month: